Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Crazy Lori-Beth and Kelly

If any of you would like to get to know my crazy (but bestest friends), or just want to explode in laughter please visit Lori-Beth's blog at http://loribethcrowdis.blogspot.com/. Lori-Beth, I hope you don't mind, but when you work that hard at something, you have to share it!


Anonymous said...


Please nobody judge us on this...just shack happy I guess. Oh dear....


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the call last night.It is reassuring to hear your voice and get the REAL Scoops. HA! HA! no pun intended (you know Ice-cream). Your work days are coming to an end but a new door and adventure on the South Island will begin. Jason and Paula are coming over for the day. I am home because I had an apppointment. Love mom
Lori-Beth and Kelly : your blog is very entertaining. It will be quite a reunion when you are all back together. Jo-Annas' mom