Thursday, January 25, 2007

Long Weekend at the Beaches

Well, there are only 4 days of placement left, it feels like we just got started. The organization sent out it's monthly newsletter today and there's a little blurbb about me in it "This month we have a Canadian OT student with us, Jo-Anna Arsenault. She has been a great addition to our team here at the Highway...finally Stefan has someone who can understand what he's saying!" (He's from Nova Scotia as well). Ha ha, at least they got my first name right...I don't know how beacuse everyone here calls me Joanne, except for Stefan. Most of the clients call me Joan (becuase they "have a grandma named Joan"). :o)

This weekend is a long weekend (Monday off- Auckland's Anniversary), so we are off again, but only day trips I think. We are planning on going to the west coast beaches one day, Waiheke Island another Day and the Coromadel ( I won't write about what we want to do, just what we did do when we get back. And thank goodness, Melissa's camera is fixed, it would have been a L-O-O-O-N-G weekend!

Please keep stop writing...I stop writing.

Maybe, just maybe, last night I might have felt something that could quite possibly have been homesick. But probably not.


Anonymous said...

okay are you sitting because you'll want to once you start laughing at me.

Tonight God bless his little heart Jason and I were "swimming" in the tub when he turns over decides he wants a drink, helps himself to the boobs, sticks his little bum in the air and POOPS all over me!!

Poor little guy had his first shower tonight. Then Allan took the bottle of bleach to the tub and scrubbed it.

make sure you take lots of Pictures this weekend of all the day trips. I don't like your weekends because there is nothing to read before heading off to bed.

I got new glasses but also got contacts so J on't be able to throw my glasses across the room any more.

Keep writting
Love Paula and Jason

Anonymous said...

Jo Jo...almost homesick eh, I get that wave of emotion myself! Love it here...well love the people, and my apartment but of course I miss you crazy kids...and my car, not the she is at home awaiting like booties=)

Can't believe you are almost done! Crazy does feel like u just got started. Be safe on the weekend, can't wait to hear about it all!

Love Kate XXOO

Anonymous said...

This trip has been so much up your alley. One thing gets done and you are on to the next planning stage. Going to be hard to keep you as involved when you return. But we will be happy to be given the challenge.Be careful and have fun on the long week-end. Paula has such stories to tell!!!!!Love Mom

Anonymous said...

We'll be happy to have you back but sad to lose the blog. :(
We're already planning a potluck party for the 5 Feb birthdays so you'll be full and able to show your 1,000,000,000 pictures.
Can't wait!!

Anonymous said...


We need more posts!!! What's going on over there????


Anonymous said...

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