Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Settling in

Things have been settling in these past few days, the "vacation effect" has started to wear off and I am starting to feel like I actually live here. Gotta get this work thing over with and get back to vacation mode asap. I am so glad we have so much more time to travel at the end now.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Today we had the monthly OT meeting with all of the Occupational Therapists that work in the region with Abano Rehabilitation. The meeting was a few hours, Melissa and her preceptor Becky had to leave at 12:30. We ended up staying another 1.5 hours and they bought us lunch. I had a huge plate of roasted veggies. The highlight of my day. Sorry to bore you but it was in fact awesome. Melissa always misses the good food opportunities. :o( Tonight, I did laundry by hand for 2 hours, to save $3 and to save my clothes from being put in the “goodness knows whats been in here?” apartment washers and dryers. I really respect women that used to do laundry by hand. My, my it is hard work, and I only had my own to do! I have been learning a lot on this trip about what it is going to be like living on my own, including what my grocery trips will look like and how I will be able to look after myself…:o), but also this trip has inspired my ideas for decorating and have found some staple items here to create a NZ theme apartment, now I am excited to have my own place. I am inspired. We went and got some groceries tonight…

You know you are starting to unconcsciously get homesick when your grocery order consists of 2 litres of Cadbury Caramello icecream and 3 King sized Cadbury Caramello chocolate bars, and you know that you are even more (unconsciously) homesick when it is gone in 2 nights. Other than the past 2 nights I have been eating incredibly healthy and have probably lost about 5 lbs so far. No worries, no more relapses. I’m not really homesick, not that I know of anyways.

Then I stayed in my room and did some homework and Melissa went down and watched tv in the lounge.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Today, well I am still at work now, and nothing exciting has happened. I have spent the morning out with a client who is trying to get his drivers licence back after having it revoked before going to prison for the past year. Unfortunately, I can’t share any details about it on here, but I assure you, Everything is an adventure around here, but I think I am doing a good job. I pretty much make all my own decisions and don’t really have much contact with my preceptor, he is letting me work here like it is my first job and its going smoothly.

Tonight we are catching the ferry to the Northshore and having dinner at Yvonne Leforte’s house with her husband and her 2 kids (half Nova Scotians). I am looking forward to this!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jo!

Because it's the 17th of January and 1 pm here in Halifax, I'm going to assume that it's your birthday in NZ! Happy Birthday!! ... and if I'm confused and it isn't today, well, Happy Belated Birthday!

Enjoy your homecooked supper!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jo!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. Oh yeh, it is about minus 30 with the wind chill today. I bet your not homesick now. Take care.

Love A. Holly

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! I read this:
"with all of the Occupational Therapists that work in the region with Abano Rehabilitation"
And I thought it said Albino Rehabilitation which REALLY confused me!

Anonymous said...


We have a present on the way...hopefully it will be there soon. We sent it almost 2 weeks ago! We know you'll have fun with it;-)

LB & Kelly

PS...Welcome to the closer to 30 club!!!

Anonymous said...

I am crawling now and get into everything. Kitties beware!!

Love you lots


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthay Jo, i bet your glad to be there in the warmth ,rather than this deepfreeze today. Take Care

Big Ed

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jo!!!It's so cold here I couldn't get my window down in the car all day!

I may have broken it oh crap! Here's another expensive VW bill!

Hope you had lots of ice cream and your favorite foods!

Enjoy! Heather 1/2

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo
Sorry I am late wishing you Happy Birthday;o) but here it is anyway.
It is the 18th here now and it is 8:03 pm. Today would also have been Mrs H's bday.
Enjoy your day
Guy 1/2yd