Sunday, December 17, 2006

Countdown 9 days

I have packed and unpacked a dozen times in the past 2 days...oppps, I mean 2 hours. Just when I think I have everything together, I remember a dozen things that I have forgotten. And then I have a panic attack because I think of how many times will that happen on the way to the airport and then again once I am already on the plane. I guess that no matter what I forget, nothing can be that bad as long as I have money. And well, I have just remembered that I don't have much of that. I think I'll take my Lorazepam now.


Melissa said...

Do you delete your old blogs every time you write something new? You should make me a list of what you packed...we never had our sleepover! I was at the airport last night...anticipating!!

Anonymous said...

You'll be FINE!! Yes, you will forget stuff but it's not like you're going to the North West Territories.
When you're in a pinch, pretend you're Claire and borrow her strength. ;)

Annie Q said...
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Annie Q said...

Fantastic blog my friend. All the packing and unpacking has my heart racing; haha - too funny. I am excited to see where your journey takes you :)
p.s Melissa tell me how I too can insert an awesome picture of myself